Thursday, September 5, 2013


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        Main Phone Providers Students        Have
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Monday, April 22, 2013

Q's Issue #6


1. What do you plan on doing in the cinco de mayo show?
2. Are many people going to be performing this year?
3.  How many singing acts?
4. How many dances?
5. How much practice goes into each practice?


Acts for Spring Show-

-Mariela Cartagena
-Jonadab Galindo
-Aunrie Davis
-"Less Than Three"
-Christian Hernandez
-"Alex & Sam"
-Kat Agudo
-Daniel Broxton

Friday, March 1, 2013

Newspaper Questions

15 minutes of reading in electives

Going to interview:
Jennifer Torres
Jon Hardy
Esli Arrieta

How do you feel about the 15 minutes of reading in your elective classes?

Do you feel as if the 15 minutes takes time away from class?

Do you see the 15 minutes as a negative aspect/positive aspect from class?

Why do you think it was decided to add 15 minutes of reading in every elective class?

When/Do you think they're ever going to take away the 15 minutes?

Less than 3/ Dell's Children Hopsital

Daniel Maya
Evan Ortiz
Luis Hernandez
Christian Martinez

How was less than 3 formed?

Was going to Dell's children a group idea?

What part of Dell's Children are you going to be performing for?

What songs do you plan to sing?

Why Dell's Children?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

1. How many are going to County with a good chance this year?
2. Is Akins guaranteed to do well?
3. What is a good estimate on how much money someone can win?
4. What goes into getting the animals ready for competition?
5. How many animals usually compete?

1. What do the cranes benefit?

Friday, October 12, 2012

october 12

1. What is the number in the upper right corner of your paper? 19

2. What did you contribute to the paper - and by this I mean, what did you actually get published.

I'm getting my story on the website

3. How many people contributed to the creation of this paper - you will have to look at each photo, each, story, each piece of art and count?
like 27

4. What is your favorite photo in the paper? describe it, what page is it on?
Page 8, the Diamond Dazzlers performing

5. What is your favorite story in the paper?
      a. Who wrote it? Employment
      b. What was it about? Students balancing work, school, activities
      c. Why is it your favorite? She explained it really well and really got the point across.
6. Which is your favorite graphic? why?
I like the High school boy one, it's a great representation on it
7. What page looks the best? why?
Best page would be Arts and Entertainment, I like how it's all put together with really interesting stories
8. What will you do next issue, and be specific, to make it even better than this issue?
Actually get the style and format on point.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


1. How many different ways did the Guardian cover the story of the three little pigs?
-They gave the big picture "Pigs boiled the wolf" accusing first, like what they heard first hand, then kind of their side of the story, what the people thought, then the wolf's side.

2. Is the story the same as you remember it as a child?
-No, it's accusing the pigs this time saying it was their fault.

3. Who did they interview?
The people, the wolf.

4. What aspects of the story did they cover?
The pigs were at fault in this story, they go to court, the wolf has asthma, there's people in it, it's more like a cop thing.

5. Were there any aspects of the three little pigs story that were not covered?
Not really,most of it was covered but with a twist.

6. Did the Guardian ever offer their opinion of what happened, who was guilty, who was not guilty?
No, they just stated that the pigs were guilty, probably the first thing they heard, was the first thing they printed out.

7. Can we do this for events on our campus on a daily basis?
Uhm yeah I think so, all depends on us.

8. How can you help make this a reality?
 not sure, I'm a little confused by this.