Friday, March 1, 2013

Newspaper Questions

15 minutes of reading in electives

Going to interview:
Jennifer Torres
Jon Hardy
Esli Arrieta

How do you feel about the 15 minutes of reading in your elective classes?

Do you feel as if the 15 minutes takes time away from class?

Do you see the 15 minutes as a negative aspect/positive aspect from class?

Why do you think it was decided to add 15 minutes of reading in every elective class?

When/Do you think they're ever going to take away the 15 minutes?

Less than 3/ Dell's Children Hopsital

Daniel Maya
Evan Ortiz
Luis Hernandez
Christian Martinez

How was less than 3 formed?

Was going to Dell's children a group idea?

What part of Dell's Children are you going to be performing for?

What songs do you plan to sing?

Why Dell's Children?

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