Thursday, September 29, 2011


- f 4 looks best at 1/60 seconds, and the background is rarely visible.

- f 5.6 looks best at 1/125 seconds, and the background is kind of visible, not close to being clear though.

- f 8 looks best at 1/60 seconds, and the background is a little more visible now.

- f 11 looks best at 1/60 seconds, and the background is better, you can actually tell
what the background is.

- f 16 looks best at 1/30 seconds is just a little blurry, but you can tell what the background is.

- f 22 looks best at 1/15 seconds, and you can see the background clearly.

What is happening to the people themselves at slow Shutter Speeds? What could the photographer do to help combat this problem? What is the lowest Shutter Speed do you think a photographer can hand-hold the camera?

At slow shutter speeds, the picture either gets really blurry, to a point where you can't tell what it is, or it's just really bright. I think the lowest shutter speed that a photographer can use when hand-holding the camera would be f 5.6 or f 8. To fix the problem I think you could just change the shutter speeds.


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